We started off the month at home, quietly working on some winter training - nothing too exciting, just general strengthening and fittening work in the run up to the fastly approaching event season. I had finished my previous job near the end of December and so it was nice to just focus on Savs for a bit and spend some proper time with her again.
Alongside this, I was busy preparing to start my new job as a Working Pupil for Harry Meade. I was very excited to start as I've known I'd be going since the summer, we just weren't sure when. It got to the week before me and Savannah were supposed to leave, when a slight spanner was put in the works - the local outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus. Unfortunately, although Savs herself was considered a very low risk, a pony that she had been in contact with was at higher risk, which meant she too was a higher risk. This of course meant that she couldn't move yards until she was 100% clear.
So, on the 12th I moved up to Harry's on my own with mum looking after Savannah until she had had some bloods taken (and they'd come back clear). Although at the time it wasn't great, looking back it was nice to find my feet on the yard without having to worry about how Savs was coping as well. It took nearly two weeks for everything to be sorted, but in this time I was able to get to grips with how the yard works, remember everyone's names (horse's and staff!!) and just generally settle in. We all live on site in a house, so I got to know everyone quite quickly.
On my first day, I was thrown straight into the deep end with a 5:45 (!!) yard start to prepare for a day of filming for Musto - again, this actually turned out well as it meant I just had to get on with things and find my feet fast. The rest of the week was calmer, and I got to know how the yard runs and which horse's were where much better.

Finally Savs got the all clear to come, and some Mum and Dad brought her up on the 25th. It's so good to have my pony back with me, and I'm much happier having her on the yard with me. It took her a couple of days to settle into her new home (the first time I took her up the road for a hack we did most of it on two legs), but shes much better now she's learning the routine. I had a great lesson with Harry a couple days after Savs arrived - we did Trot SJ, an exercise that Harry uses a lot, that really got Savs thinking for herself and ensured that she doesn't just land and run off through the contact.
I've really enjoyed my first couple of weeks in my new job, and now Savs is with me I can't wait to get training for the upcoming season - lots of planning to be getting on with, and fingers crossed we can smash it!