Ah the highs and lows of eventing!!
After the abandonment of Bricky I couldn't wait to be back out Eventing, especially after the high point of Goring. Although the weather was horrendous, the XC looked awesome albeit with a couple of tricky fences.

Considering the conditions, I thought Savs coped amazingly well in the dressage and we managed to pull off a smart test, not the best I know she's capable of but respectable, for a fair score of 32.8.
The SJ was wet and boggy before anyone had even jumped so I knew that it was going to be hard for her. She jumped very well, Really managing to jump herself out of the mud just clipping two fences. However, no one in my section managed to jump clear, so again a respectable round.

On to the XC! She flew round the first 3/4 Of the course, barely noticing the conditions and negotiating the combinations easily. Because she is such a saint usually, I tend to forget that she is so young and inexperienced and isn't quite a polished event horse yet; she hasn't even run 10 times yet. Unfortunately, I was reminded of this fact quite firmly as I landed on the floor looking up at Savs next to a skinny triple brush. Hopefully in future I will remember this before we tackle the more technical fences!
Although at the time it was a very frustrating end to a very wet day, I feel that it was actually a good thing as it means we know what to work on over the winter months before we come back out fighting next season.
